Four "new" advertisers on The Icon, each with very interesting telephone numbers

Bear with us - you'll soon discover the pun's meaning.  

The cold weather has affected the Icon . A time machine sent us back into the 1930s of downtown Bluffton.

Four "new" advertisers posted ads on The Icon today. They are:
• The Iron Lantern - restaurant, (operated by Richard Boehr's father, John)
• Patterson Barbershop (operated by Nancy Fruchey's father, Don)
• Thompson and Rupright  groceries
• Mumma Electric Co.

None of these businesses exist today - but once upon a time they were flurishing Main Street enterprises. CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR A CLOSER VIEW.

If you still aren't certain that we'll telling the truth, look closely at the telephone numbers: 232-W, 421-W, 559-T, and for heaven's sake 63.

You'll find these "ads" rotating on the right side of the home page and on each of the inside pages. 

We simply hope to keep things interesting on The Icon.