Brad Yoder performs in Town Hall Series at First Mennonite Feb. 16

On Sunday, February 16 at 4 p.m., the Bluffton Town Hall Concert Series will feature Brad Yoder in a performance at First Mennonite Church.

Yoder practices storytelling through songwriting, often with self-depreciating humor such as his gently satirical country ballad She Loves Jesus (More Than Me). According to Wendy Chappell-Dick, of the Village of Bluffton Cultural Committee, "He has more than a little pop/rock under his folksinger trappings. His mix of humorous, poetic and thought-provoking original songs has won over audiences of all ages at colleges, coffeehouses, clubs, church basements and even the zoo."

In past years, Yoder has performed at the Mennofolk festival, in Bluffotn in the Town Hall Concert Series, Common Grounds, and other venues. He has frequently placed in Pittsburgh City Paper's top three slots for "Best Acoustic/Solo Artist," including four 1st-place awards. Brad averages over 150 shows each year, in Pittsburgh and throughout the East Coast and Midwest.

Whether playing a small room or festival stage, Brad Yoder creates music that makes audiences think, laugh, feel, and sing along. As a fan recently wrote on Facebook, “And then Brad Yoder's 'Turn Around and Smile' pops up on shuffle and everything seems to be alright.”
Donations for the musician will be taken at the door.

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