MHCO accepting Barbara Fleming Memorial Nursing Scholarship applications

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, Bluffton, is accepting applications for the Barbara Fleming Memorial Nursing Scholarship. The scholarship is meant to promote the career of nursing. 

The scholarship money may be used toward a degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse, a degree as a Registered Nurse, or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The scholarship is to be used to pay school-related expenses toward any of these degrees.

The scholarship offers a minimum award of $500, and will be paid directly to the vocational school or college where the student is enrolled.

Barbara Fleming, in whose honor the scholarship is made possible, was a resident of Mennonite Memorial Home from 1997-2000, was trained as a nurse and throughout her life exhibited the caring nature that characterizes the profession of nursing.

Applications are available by contacting:
Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio
410 W. Elm St.
Bluffton, OH  45817

Applications are also available at: The application is also in a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

The application deadline is March 31. Persons with questions may contact the Scholarship Committee coordinator at 419-358-1015, ext. 263.