Council accepts three resignations following Monday executive session

Following a 30-minute Monday night executive session to discuss personnel matters, Bluffton council accepted resignation from three village employees.

Council accepted resignations from:
• Jerry Cupples, village zoning inspector
• Chad Cupples, police officer
• Drew Probst, auxiliary police officer

Rick Skilliter, police chief, spoke following the vote to accept the resignations: “The two police resignations are unrelated to each other.”

Prior to the executive session Probst also tendered his resignation as a member of the Bluffton fire department.

While Chad Cupples resigned from the police department, he will continue his membership in fire department and EMS.

No other explanation was given for the resignations following the executive session. Persons in the executive session included members of the council, the mayor, village solicitor, village administrator, village fiscal officer, police chief, fire chief and EMS chief.

Despite the wintery weather, the meeting was attended by 24 persons. None of the visitors made statements during the meeting.