Bluffton Presbyterian Church Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m.

Bluffton Presbyterian Church, 112 N. Main St.  will begin the Lenten journey with a worship service March 5 at 7 p.m. Pastor Dave Good will offer the imposition of ashes and the disposition of ashes as we consider Isaiah 58, “This is the fast I choose.”

The choir, directed by Linda Sycks, will offer “Kyrie”, arranged by Jay Rouse, which includes music based on Symphony No. 9 by Antonin Dvorak. This piece features an English Horn solo with Jeremy Szabo. Jack Henry Neff will play an unaccompanied cello solo and Jayne McGarrity will play organ selections.

The congregation will pursue Lent not as a season of penitence, but as a season of resolve and dedication. The Ash Wednesday service will conclude with communion, as the people of our Risen Lord.