Elida, Ottoville and Glandorf teams win at BFR boys bball tourney


Twenty-seven teams from northwest Ohio gathered in Bluffton for the nineteenth annual BFR boy’s basketball tournament on March 1-2. Thirteen 4th grade teams, seven 5th grade teams and seven 6th grade teams competed to win their respective divisions.

In the fourth grade division, thirteen teams played with Ottawa-Glandorf and Elida meeting in the final game.  Elida came in first place and OG placed second; Pandora-Gilboa Rockets and Spencerville were also in the semi-finals. All four teams finished undefeated at the end of round-robin play. Teams from Ada, Anna, Bath, Bluffton, Columbus Grove, Liberty-Benton and Wapakoneta completed the division.

In the fifth grade division, seven teams vied for first place medals. Putnam County teams, Columbus Grove and Ottoville played in the championship game; Ottoville finished in first place. Ada and Arlington were also in the semi-finals. Other teams in the division included: Bowling Green, Glandorf, and Pandora-Gilboa.

Glandorf was the winner of the sixth grade division. The final game was a very close match between Glandorf and Lima Central Catholic. Columbus Grove and Ottoville participated in the semi-final round, as well. The division also included Ada, Bath, and McComb.

The BFR Basketball Classic is held each year in early March. Community-based teams from northwest and west-central Ohio participate.  For more information, contact Amy Byers, BFR Sports & Fitness Sport Coordinator, at 419-358-4150 or by email to [email protected].