Council amends sidewalk ordinance; entire text in attachment to this story

It’s clear that spring arrived in Bluffton as indicated by reports in Monday’s Bluffton’s council agenda.


   • Go Green is scheduled to begin grinding brush in the Spring Street brush dump.

   • The village service department will turn on water at the village parks this week.

   • Bluffton’s spring clean up is set for May 17-26. Dumpsters will be placed in the Spring Street brush dump.

   • On March 31 the last of the previously frozen service lines in the village finally thawed.

In addition to those announcements Monday’s agenda includes an amendment to the village sidewalk ordinance. The text of the ordinance is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Council will hear an update on the sanitary sewer problem at the Sportsmen’s Club on Spring Street. The village service department inspected the sewer and discovered blockage in the line, which may have contributed to the flooding issue in the building in December.

Monday’s council agenda is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.