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Beaverdam Bunch 4-H Club meetings underway

By Rebekah Hoff

The Beaverdam Bunch 4-H Club has had a few meetings this spring. At our March meeting, we elected the following officers:  President, Andrew Hoff; Vice-President, Emily Schwager; Secretary, Emily Swisher; Treasurer, Brayton Businger; Safety Officer, Deven Pate; Health Officer, Brianna Keeler; Recreation Leaders, Nicholas Jebsen & Tanner Schultz; and News Reporter, Rebekah Hoff.

At our April 7 meeting, we learned that a Facebook page is now up for club information.  For those taking livestock to the fair, Quality Assurance meetings will be on April 27 from 2-3:30 p.m. and on June 17 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds. The judging dates for 4-H projects are:  July 14 – non-livestock project judging, July 19th – livestock interview judging, and August 14 – gardening, welding, and woodworking projects.

At our April 21 meeting, we voted to sponsor two award banners for the fair: 1st place Chicken and “You’re the Athlete.” Also, the club is collecting pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald House.  Bring in your tabs to the meetings. Each club member is also to bring 3 bars of Ivory soap for a mission trip to Kenya by the next meeting. We need 120 bars to give to this trip.

Our next meeting is on May 19 at 7 p.m. in the middle school.


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