Amended sidewalk ordinances passes; toned-down version intends to "connect" sidewalk gaps in the village

Ordinance 03-14, the most talked about Bluffton council ordinance in years, passed on May 20.

Better known as the Bluffton sidewalk ordinance, it technically amends an earlier sidewalk ordinance 07-13. That earlier ordinance stated that sidewalks be constructed and maintained in "all" residential area of the village.

The amended ordinance is a toned-down version. Instead of requiring sidewalks through the village, its focus is to construct "connecting" sidewalks in the village. That means the village will review existing sidewalk locations. Where there are sidewalk "gaps" - one or several residences without sidewalks - the village hopes to "connect" those gaps with new sidewalks.

As an example, the north side of East College Avenue has sidewalks from Main Street to Albert Street. At Albert there is a gap where no sidewalks exists for appromately three properties. After that "gap" sidewalks continue all the way to the County Line Road.

The ordinance also calls for sidewalks to be placed on all new subdivision developments or other construction developments in the village.

It also addresses sidewalks that need repair.

The official five-page ordinance is posted in an attachment at the bottom of this story.