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SHANNON Service Club scholarship winners

The SHANNON Service Club of Bluffton presented its 2014 Annual “Service to Humanity” Scholarship Awards at the Bluffton High School 34th Annual Awards Program on May 14. This year this organization was again able to give two $750 scholarships.

Winners of these scholarships were seniors Sophia Marcum and Jill Steinmetz, each of whom was chosen (judged blindly) by virtue of her past, current, and expected future commitment to serving others.  Sophia is the daughter of Michael and Amy Marcum and plans to study business management at Miami University (Ohio).  Jill is the daughter of Joel and Terri Steinmetz and will study graphic design at Goshen College.

SHANNON Service Club of Bluffton (Sharing Hopes And Nourishing Needs Of Neighbors) is an entirely local volunteer organization whose only goals are to help the youth, schools, and families in need of the Bluffton area.
