It's "Service Sunday" for English Lutheran congregation; ice cream social in afternoon

On Sunday, Sept. 7, you may see a bunch of bright yellow T-shirts all over town. Those shirts will be worn by members of English Lutheran Church as members participate in the second annual "God's Work, Our Hands - Day of Service" event.  

Rev. Kevin Mohr, pastor, said, "Following a brief worship service that morning at 9 a.m., members of English Lutheran will join with congregations throughout our denomination (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) in doing service projects for the community, for neighbors, and for the church."

In the afternoon that day, the community is invited to join the congregation for its annual ice cream social from 2:30-4:30 p.m. under a tent on the church green-space. 

"Come create your own ice cream sundae, play some games, or just come and sit a spell with us," Rev. Mohr said.

English Lutheran is located at the corner of Grove and Jackson streets in Bluffton. For more information contact [email protected] or call 419-358-2591.