Kim Badertscher wins Icon football contest for week 4


The winner of Week 4 of the Icon Football Contest is Kim Badertscher.   Sixcontestants correctly picked all 10 games. Five of those had the correct tie-breaker #1.  But, Kim was the only one to correctly pick tie-breaker #2.  

Weekly winners:
Week 1 - Todd Fleharty
Week 2 - Travis Swank
Week 3 - Dale Badertscher
Week 4 - Kim Badertscher

Other contestants:

10 correct - Ben Reineke, Duane Bollenbacher, Mark Delise, Rich Johnson and Tammy Risner.

9 correct - Will I Am Edwards, Todd Fleharty, Jim Dillman, John Clevidence, Dan Knapinski, David Glick, Denny Edinger, Marc Staley, Nathan Davis, Nathan Curtis and Theresa Bingman.

8 correct - Randy Stewart, John Dailey, Chris Boisvert, Ken Von Lehmden, Nancy Armour and Jim Elshire.

7 correct - Randy Garmatter, Ruth Johnson, Barry Schneck and Shannon Weissling.

6 correct - Mark Sommers, Bentley Dillman and Scott Weissling.

5 correct - Craig Hoffman, Travis Swank and Dale Badertscher.

4 correct - Ann Johnson and Elfreide Ramseyer.

3 correct - Anita Molands and Tom Clark.

The cumulative leaders for the 2014 Icon Football Contest after Week 4 are:

25 points - Ken Von Lehmden and Kim Badertscher.

24 points - Nathan Davis and Will I Am Edwards.

23 points - Duane Bollenbacher.

22 points - Jim Dillman, Marc Staley and Tammy Risner.

21 points - Marc Delisle, Nancy Armour, Richard Johnson, Shannon Weissling and Travis Swank.

20 points - Ben Reineke and Dan Knapinski.

19 points - Chris Boisvert, Craig Hoffman, Dale Badertscher, John Clevidence, Ruth Johnson and Todd Fleharty.

17 points - Bentley Dillman.

16 points - David Glick, Mark Sommers, Nathan Curtis, Randy Stewart and Scott Weissling.

There are 38 other contestants with less than 16 accumulated points.