Vie geits! Dust off your Swiss language skills on Nov. 4
"Vie geits! Dasz ish zum eina anderes Fogel singen."
Naturally, you all know that I just now said: "How goes it! There once was yet another bird." (This means that either things are changing or bad weather is approaching.)
Whatever its meaning all Icon viewers - of Swiss descent or otherwise are invited to come speak the Swiss dialect at 3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the Family Room at Maple Crest, Bluffton.
Come and dust off your Swiss language skills and see what you remember of the Schwyzerdutsch.
The only agenda is to speak Swiss. Refreshments will be supplied. Viewers with questions, phone Rich Bucher at (419) 358-0505 or email him at [email protected].
And, those who can't speak the dialect, are invited to listen.