Jim Dillman wins week 10 football contest; Duane Bollenbacher wins season contest
The winner of week 10 of The Icon Football Contest was Jim Dillman. Four contestants correctly picked 8 games this week. None of the four correctly picked either tie-breaker so Jim was declared the winner by submitting his entry first.
Other contestants:
8 correct - Mark Delisle, John Clevidence and Deezy McDaniel.
7 correct - Tammy Douce, Duane Bollenbacher, David Glick, Marc Staley, Rich Johnson, Craig Hoffman, Rory Edinger, Joel Amstutz and Dale Badertscher.
6 correct - Landyn Fleharty, Will I Am Edwards, Blaine Dearth, Ted Prueter, Nancy Armour, Todd Fleharty, Tammy Risner, Bradley Smith, Mark Sommers, Hanne Burkholder, Theresa Bingman, Ken Von Lehmden, Chris Boisvert and Bentley Dillman.
5 correct - Barry Schneck, Kim Badertscher, Ben Reineke, Luke Amstutz, Silas Amstutz, Elfrieda Ramseyer, Denny Edinger, Mike Hall, Nathan Davis and Ruth Johnson.
4 correct - Chris Christopher, Tom Clark, Travis Swank and Ray Mumma.
3 correct - Kolton Spangler.
The winner of the 2014 Icon Football Contest Cumulative Total is Duane Bollenbacher with 70 correct picks (out of 90 possible).
Other contestants:
69 points - Mark Delisle.
67 points - Ken Von Lehmden, Kim Badertscher, Nathan Davis, Richard Johnson and Will I Am Edwards.
63 points - Jim Dillman and Tammy Risner.
62 points - Chris Boisvert, Dale Badertscher and Todd Fleharty.
60 points - David Glick and John Clevidence.
59 points - Nancy Armour.
57 points - Denny Edinger and Theresa Bingman.
56 points - Bentley Dillman.
55 points - Craig Hoffman, Landyn Fleharty and Ruth Johnson.
54 points - Barry Schneck.
53 points - Tom Clark.
51 points - Ben Reineke and Mark Sommers.
46 points - Elfrieda Ramseyer.
45 points - Ted Prueter.
44 points - Luke Amstutz.
43 points - Marc Staley and Randy Stewart.
41 points - Shannon Weissling and Silas Amstutz.
38 points - Scott Weissling.
31 points - Dan Knapinski.
29 points - Brad Smith and Chris Christopher.
25 points - Travis Swank.
22 points - Jerry Cupples.
21 points - Brad Jones.
19 points - Ross Emans.
17 points - Randy Garmatter.
16 points - Nathan Curtis.
14 points - Blaine Dearth, Greg Ansley and Joel Amstutz.
13 points - Brandon Huber.
12 points - Deezy McDaniel, Mark Wolke, Marvin Foster and Ray Mumma.
11 points - David Dellifield and Larry Cox.
10 points - Ann Johnson and Kolton Spangler.
9 points - Don Luginbuhl.
8 points - Jim Elshire, John Dailey, Lisa Paugh and Peyton Gallant.
7 points - Drew Luginbuhl, Jane Richards, Joe Suter, Joel Groman, Rory Edinger and Tammy Douce.
6 points - Bear Kaufman, Brandon Schaadt, Drew Gable, Hanne Burkholder, Melina Woods, Mike Metzger, Scott Basinger and Tom Benroth.
5 points - Mike Hall.
4 points - Becky Warren, Kim Spangler and Tim McKinley.
3 points - Anita Molands, David Yoder, Elizabeth Boisvert and Jared Lehman.
2 points - James Crawfis.