Camerata Singers present home concert March 15

Bluffton University’s Camerata Singers, back from a spring-break tour in seven Midwestern states, will reprise the tour program, “Sing Ye Praises with understanding,” in the annual Camerata Home Concert on Sunday, March 15. The concert, beginning at 2:30 p.m. in Yoder Recital Hall, is free and open to the public.

The select, 29-member choral group performed the program at churches and schools while on tour from March 1-8. While the first half features traditional, sacred choral music, the second half includes music of more unique faith groups and styles: gospel music, spirituals, music from the Shaker and the Iona Communities, and texts by important spiritual leaders like Menno Simons and Julian of Norwich.

Included are a newly commissioned work, “Shout for Joy all the earth,” by Dr. Peter Terry, an associate professor of information technology and music at Bluffton, as well as pieces that Camerata Singers will also perform during a cross-cultural experience in Great Britain this May.
Dr. Mark J. Suderman, a professor of music and director of choral activities at Bluffton, is the group’s conductor.