March 19 wellness fair in Sommer Center

Students in Bluffton University’s dietetics internship program will host a Wellness Fair from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, March 19, in the Sommer Center on campus.

The event is open to the public, with several optional health screenings—provided by Blanchard Valley Health System—and a number of informational sessions available. The only costs are $12 for a lipid profile and $8 for a cholesterol screening; both require an eight-hour fast beforehand, as does a free glucose screening. A bone density test is also free.

Informational sessions will cover such topics as elderly nutrition, living wills, yoga and the elderly, massage therapy and healing, biking, Zumba, and diabetes. Bluffton’s Exercise Club will offer a 15-minute strength workout at noon, and Fault Lines, the university’s line dancing club, will give a demonstration at 2:30 p.m.

In addition, community and university organizations, as well as local vendors, will be represented at more than 30 information tables throughout the day.

For the full schedule of events, go to