Bluffton University part of statewide family visit days July 13 and 14

Bluffton University is joining a collaboration among Ohio’s private colleges and universities, beginning with a summer program designed to allow families to visit up to four private schools over two days, July 13 and 14.

Ohio’s Independent College Visit Days are aimed at helping families understand how affordable a private college education can be. The days also highlight other benefits of attending a private institution, including a higher four-year graduation rate and a lower default rate on student loans.

“Bluffton University is delighted to be a part of this statewide effort on the part of Ohio independent universities,” said Ron Headings, vice president for enrollment management and marketing. “The quality of the educational experience students have at private universities like ours changes lives in profound ways, both for the students and for those they serve over a lifetime. And, while many fear they can’t afford a private education, Bluffton University wants Ohio’s families to know that—YouCan!”

Families that visit two participating schools July 13 and 14 and document their visits on Instagram using #YOUCANVisitDays will be entered to win one of five $1,000 YouCan awards.

Private colleges and universities in several states are joining forces with competing peers to highlight access and affordability on private campuses. Presidents and vice presidents of enrollment management at Ohio’s private institutions started the conversation a little less than a year ago in partnership with the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, and leaders agreed it was time to tell the story of affordability.

Ohio’s private colleges and universities provided $1.25 billion in financial aid and scholarships to students during the 2013-14 academic year—a 20 percent increase over the previous three years. And the cost of a private institution is more affordable given that students who start at a private school are more likely to graduate from that school, and they’re more likely to do so faster than at a public university. Private institutions in Ohio have a four-year graduation rate of 53 percent, compared to 34 percent for state schools. In addition, borrowers from independent Ohio colleges and universities have a lower default rate on student loans (6.9 percent) than those at state schools (12.8 percent).

To register for the visit days program, and to learn more about Ohio’s Independent College Week, go