Bluffton assisting in 1976 WBGU telethon

In 1976 the Bluffton Business Men's Association participated in one of the WBGU TV telethons. The BBMA eventually became the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Dick Boehr, president of the association at the time, gathered a group of Bluffton volunteers to "man the phones" during the event.

This photo was taken on March 11, 1976, in the WBGU TV studio. A note on the back of the photo indicates Bluffton raised $770 during its time working the phones.

Persons in the photo, from left in front, Dick Boehr and Ron Geiser.

On the far left is Joan Gordon, director of televlsion information.

Bluffton volunteers working the phones from left are Geneva Rammel, Dorothy Eastman, Mary Schlechter, Nancy Balmer, Fred Smith and Corrinne Boehr.