Ohio Has Talent! auditions set for Nov. 13-14

Auditions for the ninth annual Ohio Has Talent! competition will be held Nov. 13-14, 5-9 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Friends Church in Van Wert.

Audition applications are available at www.comhealthpro.org and are due by Oct. 30.

The top acts will perform in the March 5, 2016, show at Niswonger Performing Arts Center in Van Wert. All entertainment talents are welcome including single and group acts. Talents beyond singing and dancing are especially encouraged to audition.

Contestants will compete for prizes of $1,000, $500 and $250. Winners are based solely on votes collected from the audience.

Ohio Has Talent! is a benefit show for the Van Wert Area Inpatient Hospice Center and is presented by Community Health Professionals, Inc., a nonprofit home health and hospice organization.

For more information call Kim Mason at 419-238-9223.