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"The Sinister Senior Sabotage" BHS fall drama Nov. 13-14

The Bluffton High School Drama Club presents "The Sinister Senior Sabotage" as its fall play.

Performances are Friday and Saturday, Nov. 13 and 14 in the middle school cafetorium. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the curtain is at 7:30 p.m.

General admission tickets are available at the door. Adults $4 and students $2.

Here's the story line:

Each senior student has a different plan, but students must find a way to work together. Their class project is due. And they need to procure the perfect gift to leave as their legacy at Washington High School. As the procrastinators try to make the grade, their interactions will spur intrigue and laughter. Just when it’s all coming together, their gift disappears.

What was the gift? Who took it? And why?

The cast includes:
Marley Runk, Kristen Yost, Patrick Rhonemus, Kaitlin Kidd, Alton Burkholder, Megan Sycks, Dylan Whitlow, Cassidy Bush, Andrew Bertka, Kaitie Daws, Annie Campbell, Michaela Steele, Hannah Yost, Jacob Spencer, Jacob Barnett, Alyssa Casemier, Seth Andreas, and Noah Woodruff.

Cameo appearance by Jennifer Yost and Kara Zink.

The show is directed by Kevin Gratz. Student assistant is Sarah Gillen.

