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Got a library fine? Here's a great way to knock of a buck, all for a good cause

Next week from Monday through Saturday, Dec. 14-19,  Bluffton Public Library invites its patrons to participate in its “Food for Fines” incentive program. 

Here's how it works:
When patrons stop by the front desk with a non-perishable food item, they will receive a dollar off their library fines. BPL requests items that do not expire until well after the holidays so local families in need can make use of all donations. 

Suggestions for food items include canned fruit, vegetables, soup, applesauce, tuna, spaghetti sauce, Spaghetti-Os, and boxed crackers, Hamburger Helper, macaroni and cheese and similar food items.  

All items will be donated to the Bluffton Area Food Pantry.  Email [email protected] or call 419-358-5016 with any questions.