Here's Bluffton University's February calendar of events

February Arts and Events Calendar
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted

Feb. 2 Art Exhibit: “BioGeo, Rhythms in Form,” by Adrienne Leban, Grace Albrecht Gallery of Bluffton University’s Sauder Visual Arts Center, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and 1-5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sunday through Feb. 19
Feb. 2 Five Minutes of Fame: This event will feature eight student scholars, nominated by members of the faculty, giving five minute presentations on their research, 4-5 p.m., Musselman Library Reading Room
Feb. 2 Forum: “Gender and Competition: Discussing and Dealing with Differences,” by Kathy DeBoer, Executive Director of American Volleyball Coaches Assoc., 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Feb. 2 First Tuesday in the Library: “Covering Conflict at Kansas City 2015,” by public relations major Margaret Short, 11 a.m., Musselman Library Reading Room
Feb. 3 Health and Wellness Expo:
Tips and information about keeping your mind and body healthy will be shared during this event, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Musselman Library
Feb. 4 Research Fair:
A poster-session-style research fair will showcase student work including traditional research presentations, projects and creative work, 1-4:30 p.m., Musselman Library
Feb. 9 Forum: “Semester Off-Campus Presentations,” by Bluffton University students who studied abroad in the fall of 2015. Locations include: Guatemala (11 a.m., Founders Hall) and Washington, D.C., England and Ireland (7 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall)
Feb. 12 Friday Colloquium: “When Did Organic Food Become Weird? Hegemonic Framing of Food,” by Dr. Matthew Friesen, assistant professor of sociology, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall, Centennial Hall
Feb. 18 Concert: Artist Series pianist Ann-Marie McDermott will perform, 7:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Feb. 21 Concert: Winter Instrumental Concert, 2:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Feb. 22 Art Exhibit: Senior art exhibit by Beth Ross, Jenny Brown and Abby Graver, Sauder Visual Arts Center, 9-5 p.m. weekdays, 1-5 p.m. weekends, through March 4.
Feb. 23 Forum: “We See Them But We Don’t Know Them: Mexican Ideas About Mennonites,” C. Henry Smith Peace Lecture by Dr. Rebecca Janzen, assistant professor of Spanish, 11 a.m., Founders Hall
Feb. 24 Concert: “Spiritual Songs,” by Dr. Naima Johnston-Bush, 9:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Feb. 26 Friday Colloquium: “History and Theology: A Major Problem in Mennonite Studies Revisited,” by Dr. Alexander Sider, associate professor of religion, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall, Centennial Hall
Feb. 28 Artist Reception: Reception for senior art exhibit by Beth Ross, Jenny Brown, and Abby Graber 2-4 p.m., Sauder Visual Arts Center
Feb. 28 Masterworks Concert: Dr. Mark J. Suderman, Bluffton professor of music, will conduct the performance, also featuring regional soloists and orchestra, 2:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall