Rep. Cupp notes application start of local government safety grants

State Representative Bob Cupp (R-Allen County) announced information regarding the application process for the Local Government Safety Capital Grant.
Initiated by the Ohio House of Representatives - and funded via the state operating budget for fiscal years 2016-2017 - these grants are intended to help fund public safety projects in local communities throughout Ohio, including those in Allen County.
The program received an appropriation of $10 million for Fiscal Year 2016 and $10 million for Fiscal Year 2017. Funds for eligible projects must be used for purchasing vehicles, equipment, facilities and/or systems utilized by police, fire, and/or EMS providers to enhance public safety.
All qualifying political subdivisions are eligible to apply for funding. A “qualifying political subdivision” includes a county, township, municipal corporation, joint emergency medical services district, fire district, joint fire district, fire and ambulance district, joint police district, or joint ambulance district. 
“This program directly supports what I believe to be a primary function of government, which is to help keep people – and communities – safe,” said Cupp, a former Allen County commissioner.
Applications must be submitted online and will be accepted through March 21, 2016, with final awards being determined in May.  The Local Government Innovation Council will be the final approver of all grants. The Council shall award not more than $100,000 in total grants to an individual political subdivision.
More information on the application process can be found at: