Campus Life holds Fallout event Sept. 3

Area high school students are invited to a “Fallout” event from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3, at 4080 E. Hook-Waltz Road, Elida, according to Jeremy Basinger, Bluffton High School Campus Life director.

“The event includes food, orb ball, zombie hayride, airsoft, 150-foot slip and slide, outdoor movie, and much more,” said Basinger.

“Last year was our first Fallout event and we had 83 Bluffton students attend. This year we are including Pandora-Gilboa students and are expecting 200 students. It is a fun event where students get to have fun and build safe relationships,” he said.

Tickets for the event are available at Wednesday night pool parties at the Bluffton pool, during school lunches and after school in the Campus Life Room or the day of the event.

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