Lions District Governor visits Bluffton - on her 'cycle

Lions District Governor Sheryl Burnette was a recent Bluffton Lions Club guest.

She told the Lions members that her number one goal is to have fun.  

Speaking to Lions, she stressed that Lions clubs serve in the four areas of youth, vision, hunger and environment. The international goal of Lions is to serve 100 million people in these four areas.

“So far, 93 million people have been involved. Lions should lead through service, connect through commitments and invite our neighbors to join our clubs,” the district governor said.

During her Bluffton visit, she shared her district pin with the club. The pin shows a motorcycle with a girl riding.

In fact, the district governor rode her motorcycle to the Bluffton meeting. The photo shows, from left, tail twister Greg Averesch, District Governor Sheryl Burnette, Lions president Colleen Lazar; and vice president Gene Long.

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