Kathy Burrus featured author at Thursday library's book signing

Bluffton Public Library hosts an author visit and book signing featuring Kathy Burrus  of rural Columbus Grove, with her new release “Lovely Traces of Hope!”

The event is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8, on the main floor of the library at 145 S. Main St., Bluffton. Copies of the book will be available for purchase for $12.99. (Cash only, please.)

About the book:
Days after the sudden death of her 15-year-old daughter, Leisha, Burrus found chapter one of a book her daughter had begun to write. Overwhelmed with grief, Kathy asked many of the questions we ask ourselves in life's most painful moments:

Why is this happening to me?
Where are you God?

How can I deal with this unexpected pain in my life?

Burrus said, “It was Leisha’s unfinished book that penetrated deep into my torn and broken heart.”

She added that as she wrote to finish Leisha's story, Leisha pointed her mom to see the lovely traces God revealed in random and unexpected ways.

Burrus today is a life coach, helping people intentionally design hope in their life, love and loss. Married for 37 years, she and her husband, Rennie, have served together in pastoral ministry for 25 years.  They are the parents of three daughters.

Her website is: www.kathyburrus.com.