You can go home again

You can go home again. Many did on Saturday.

If you are - or are related to - a Schumacher, Diller, Suter, Basinger, Zimmerly, Amstutz, Neuenschwander (and its spelling variations), Hilty, Bixel, Suter, Moser, Luginbuhl (and its spelling variations), Burkholder, Steiner, Badertscher, Gratz, Bucher, Augsburger, Geiger, Althaus, Gerber… you get the idea.


Descendants of Swiss immigrants to Bluffton-Pandora have a homestead where they and all their friends can view rural life in the 1840s.

Home is at 8350 Bixel Road between Bluffton and Pandora, on the edge of Riley Creek as it flows toward the Blanchard. The homestead is owned and cared for by the Swiss Community Historical Society.

The Swiss homestead is open to the public several times each year. One of those is on the last Saturday in September during the Bluffton Fall Festival.

Hundreds of visitors check out the grounds, the out buildings, the garden, the house and the fixtures.

Here are some views of this year’s open house.

For more click here.



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