Bluffton stories from an earlier era

Note: The Icon acquired a manuscript titled “A Brief History of Bluffton’s Industrial Developments.” This publication was prepared by the classes in Marketing and Small Business Administration from Bluffton College, under the director of Dr. Howard Raid. Publication date is May 1959. We’ve updated some current addresses so viewers may identify location.

Fork factory
1887 – 1924
Peter B. Amstutz, owner

Peter B. Amstutz hired four employees to work in his factory where they made wooden forks and rakes, the forks constituting most of the business.

Working in the factory only during the winter because Mr. Amstutz also farmed, they made about 3,000 forks a year. These were sold locally through retail stores.

Mr. Amstutz had about $2,000 invested in his business, supplying the capital himself. later, his two sons, Edwin and Amos, took over the business.

Due to technological improvements, such as the invention of the hay loader, the demand for their products decreased and the business was discontinued.

Prior to his manufacturing wooden forks and rakes for farming, Mr. Amstutz was a carpenter for several years and after that, operated a sawmill for about five years.

References: Lydia Amstutz
Interviewers: Robert E. Steiner and Charles L. Hostetler