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Sour Cherry Pie band performs Nov. 10

Town Hall Concert Series event

The band Sour Cherry Pie performs at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 10, on the next Town Hall Concert Series, according to Wendy Chappell-Dick.

The concert is in the third floor of the town hall.

“They sing songs of justice with a religious base and a dose of humor that can help others see the world with a slightly different tone,” said Chappell-Dick about the band.

Phil Hart of the band, started writing folk songs in the early ‘70s, influenced by Dylan, Ochs, Paxton, Prine, and many others. He continues to create tunes that carry thoughtful stories about “real stuff.”

His partner, Steve, began adding his bass lines to Phil’s songs several years ago. They’ve playing coffee houses, farmers markets, and house concerts.

Donations at this event benefit the Dare to Dream scholarship at Bluffton University.

The scholarship, established by a group of Bluffton alumni, faculty and staff, provides support for undocumented, immigrant children in the United States who are ineligible for federal aid.

These children are often referred to as DREAMers because of the failed legislation known as The Dream Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act).

