It's the 1950s all over again in the first grade!

Bluffton first graders went back to the future – at least back to the 1950s, earlier this week.

Celebrating the 50th day of the school year, students dressed like they were voting for Eisenhower or Stevenson.

Teri Steinmetz, teacher, said, “We celebrated our 50th day of school by dressing up and doing activities like we are living in the 1950s.”

She added, “We did a bubblegum blowing contest, made root beer floats, listened to oldies, and did many activities about the number 50.

Bluffton first grade teachers involved in the project were Amber Huffman, Jaime Combs, Ryan Dunlap and Steinmetz – none of whom were born in the 1950s.

Jaime Nygaard offers these photos of the 50th day. The Icon can’t wait for the 60th day of the school year.