Here's Bluffton congregation Christmas eve, Christmas day services
Here are Bluffton area church Christmas eve and Christmas day church services?
Bethel Church of Christ
Candlelight service is at 7 p.m. on Christmas eve. Worship on Christmas Day is at 10 a.m. Bethel is located at 4014 CR 304, old Route 30.
Bluffton Baptist Church
The congregation’s Christmas eve service is at 7 p.m. There will be no service on Sunday, Dec. 25.
Bluffton Presbyterian
A Christmas eve service begins with prelude music at 6:30 p.m. followed by a 7 p.m. candle lighting service. Sunday worship is at 10:15 a.m. No Sunday school on Dec. 25.
Ebenezer Mennonite Church
Christmas eve service begins at 6 p.m. with harp music as is a prelude. The service includes Christmas carols, readers' theatre, a devotional, and candle lighting. The Christmas day worship service is at 10:15 a.m. The Worship Team provides several selections preceding the service followed by music, scripture, prayer and a message. The church is two miles west of Bluffton on Columbus Grove Road.
Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Christmas eve service is at 6 p.m. and Sunday’s service is at 10 a.m. The church is at 8375 Phillips Road.
English Lutheran Church
Christmas eve is a family candlelight service with communion at 7 p.m. This includes an inter-active re-telling of the Christmas story with the assistance of children present. Amanda, Lauren and Alyssa Speicher will provide instrumental music as a stringed trio. At 11 p.m. is a festival candlelight service of lessons and carols with communion. Both Christmas eve services conclude with the candlelight singing of "Silent Night." An informal worship service of carols and sharing is Christmas morning, at 9 a.m. There will be no Sunday School on Dec. 25.
First Mennonite Church
Christmas Eve candlelight service at 6:30 p.m., with a celebration of the light of God’s heart shining in the story and songs of Christmas. All are also invited to the Christmas Day worship service at 10:30 a.m. Wanda Stopher will preach with special music be provided by Dr. Lucia Unrau, organist; Youth Choir, directed by Laura Hartzler; and Chancel Choir, directed by Dr. Mark Suderman.
First United Methodist
Christmas eve begins with music at 6:30 p.m. followed by a 7 p.m. service. Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Children are invited to bring one of their Christmas gifts as they learn about God’s gift on Christmas.
St. John’s United Church of Christ
A 4 p.m. candlelight Christmas Eve service is planned with carol singing, reading of the Christmas story and Holy Communion. Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m.
St. Mary’s Catholic
A Christmas eve mass is at 4 p.m. Christmas day mass is at 10 a.m.
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