Ken Lugibihl will head Bluffton school board in 2017

Ken Lugibihl will lead the Bluffton school board in 2017. He was elected board president at the Jan. 9 reorganization meeting. Here are other board appointments:

• Brad Fruchey, vice president
•  Jeremy Scoles, official delegate to 2017 Ohio School Board Conference
• Brad Fruchey, alternate delegate
•  Wesley Klinger, legislative liaison to Ohio School Board Association
• Wesley Klinger, student achievement liaison
• Brad Fruchey, board representative to Athletic Council
•  Wesley Klinger, board representative to Diesel-Tingley Scholarship Committee and Charles Hankish Sr., and Sophia Hankish Scholarship Committee
• Ken Lugibihl and Renee Smith, board representatives to building and grounds committee

In other board appointments, Robert Beer was appointed to a new seven-year term on the Bluffton Public Library board, through December 2023.

The board approved an open enrollment policy plan and approved a high school biology trip to the Florida Keys from June 5 to June 13. It will be led by Scott Hoff, teacher.

The board’s 2017 meeting dates follow, with each meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the elementary media center:

Feb. 20
March 20
April 17
May 15
June 26
July 17
Aug. 21
Sept. 11
Oct. 16
Nov. 20
Dec. 18