Here's your 6-week chance to "Keep Activity" thanks to BFR

Bluffton Family Recreation in cooperation with St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima, announced this winter’s Keeping Active six-week program of free activities.


From Jan. 16 through Feb. 24 BFR offers free fitness, physical activity, nutrition and general wellness events for youth through seniors, according to Joseph Beagle, BFR director.

“Each winter since 2004 BFR has provided these six weeks of wellness programming for individuals and families. We are happy to partner with St. Rita’s Medical Center again this year,” he said.

In addition, BFR coordinates these activities in cooperation with Bluffton University and several area businesses.

Beth Keehn, director of marketing and communications at St. Rita’s, said, “We are excited about this opportunity to partner with BFR and provide fitness and wellness opportunities to the community free of charge.

“It is our mission to improve the well being of the communities we serve, and we believe the Keeping Active program will help encourage healthy lifestyles for many local families this winter.”

Free programs include:
• Fit 4 Life Group
• Indoor track walking days
• Several options for persons 55 and older
• Family and individual recreation opportunities
• Group fitness classes
• Youth sport performance training and conditioning
Among free options include water exercise, basketball, walking, all-star workouts, youth soccer, Healthy Heart Day, open gym, yoga and zumba classes.

Each day features free opportunities during the six-week period. The Keeping Active schedule is on the BFR website at, or contact BFR at 215 Snider Road, Bluffton, 419-358-4150.