University academic awards Forum April 25

Bluffton University will host its annual Academic Awards Forum at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 25, in Yoder Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Students to be honored include graduating seniors in the Honors Program, C. Henry Smith Scholars and Pi Delta inductees, as well as departmental award recipients, who are recognized as distinguished senior scholars. In addition, several seniors will present on their departmental honors projects.

Among the other academic awards are: in education, the Elizabeth Hostetler Outstanding Educator Award; in music, a choral and an instrumental award; and in art, several juror’s awards of distinction and the Boehr Award for Best of Show, all from the Juried Student Exhibition and including cash prizes. 

Also presented to students will be the John D. Unruh Award for the best research paper in the humanities and social sciences and awards for the C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest, which was held March 29.

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