First Mennonite Church to dedicate Peace Pole

Bluffton First Mennonite Church will observe Peace Sunday on Sunday, June 18, with worship led by various members of the Mission, Peace and Service commission. Kyle Miller will deliver the sermon, "Shaming the Kingdom of the Sword." Special music will be provided by Wendy Chappell-Dick, Steve and Monica Harnish.

At the end of the 10:30 a.m. worship service, FMC will dedication their new Peace Pole in memory of the late Rev. Steven Yoder. He served as pastor at First Mennonite for 15 years until his death in June of 2016.

Each side of the six-sided pole includes the phrase “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in one of six languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Swahili, and Pennsylvania Dutch, the language that Rev. Yoder grew up speaking.

The Peace Pole is located on the Jackson Street side of First Mennonite, 101 S. Jackson St. It is surrounded by a small walkway of pavers from the sidewalk to the peace pole, with landscaping around the base of the pole. The landscaping was done by Stratton Greenhouses. 


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