Tractor pull in Ada on Saturday

By Monty Siekerman - ADA ICON
More than a thousand people are expected to attend the F&M Picnic Truck and Tractor Pull at War Memorial Park on Saturday.

The first session begins at  10 a.m., the second at 6:30 p.m. Gates open at 8 a.m. Food vendors will be available. Cost is $10, children 10 and under $5, veterans and seniors free.

Chris Vermillion is president of the Hardin County Pullers. About $2,000 will be given out to winners of the first session; about $12,000 in prize money for the second session winners.

At 10 a.m.---Hardin County Pullers
Hardin County Classes
6500 Limited Street Gas 4x4
6500 Cheater Street Gas 4x4
6500 Pro Street Altered Gas 4x4
8000 Workstock Diesel
8000 2.6 Smooth Bore Diesel
Tri State Limited Hot Farm Tractors

At 6:30 p.m.---Ohio State Tractor Pullers Association
6350 SM FWD Trucks
7500 Modified Tractors
8300 Super Stock
Light Limited Pro Stock Tractors
Street Legal Semis
Street Altered Semis

The Hardin County Pullers Fall Brawl is set for 3 p.m. on Saturday. Oct. 7, at the Ada War Memorial Park.

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