Watching the sun and moon play solar eclipse tag over Bluffton

Where were you when the sun blinked at 2:28 p.m.?

Many Icon viewers were wearing funny dark glasses and staring into space. Those who did have a story to tell their grandchildren. Bluffton was at 85 percent coverage of the great solar eclipse of 2017.

While not like a total eclipse, it was a very noticible afternoon.


The Icon made several stops in Bluffton during the afternoon. First and last stop was at Mike and Mary Edmiston's. There, two 3-inch reflector telescopes pointed skyward. One with a solar filter for personal viewing; the other showing the moon passing over the sun in a paper reflection.

Second stop was Bob Beer’s backyard. There, his homemade 6-inch reflecting telescope equipped with a solar filter, also aimed skyward. Bob was watching the temperature drop in addition to the sun being covered.

Third stop was Bluffton Public Library. They handed out safe-for-direct-solar viewing sunglasses.

One view through the glasses was enough to say, “Wow!”

The Icon seeks viewers who live in the path of the Aug. 21 solar eclipse - or area viewers who traveled to see the eclipse at its full view.

1 – Send your comments
2 – Photos (if you have any)
3 - The location you watched the eclipse
4 - Who you were with at the time
5 - Anything else pertaining to your experience

Send to: [email protected].

Watch for a follow-up story on Bluffton eclipse watchers.

8 21 17 eclipse

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