$978,941 in permanent improvement projects

During the past year, the Bluffton school district has completed many different permanent improvement projects, according to Greg Denecker, superintendent. 

Below is the revenue chart of the combined monies brought in by the tax and the list of expenditures for the projects completed thanks to this fund. This list is printed in the summer school newsletter, recently released

Date            Revenue
Balance Forward from August 2016
October 2016  $162,834.22
January 2017  $164,805.78
April 2017  $184,037.00
July 2017  $299,236.81

Projects Sept. 2016-Aug. 2017   Expenditures
Plumbing Repairs and Updates  $20,815.02
Parking Lot Paving and Sealing  $50,117.52
Chromebooks/Technology/Wireless   $86,419.77
Purchase of Home 120 N. Lawn Ave.   $110,000.00
HVAC Repairs and Updates  $70,872.18
Outside Grounds Maintenance and Updates   $4,505.29
HS Gym Bleachers   $199,500.00
Window Repair/Replace   $6,872.92
Flooring   $8,801.40
Painting   $14,814.50
Furniture and Classroom Items  $81,728.79
Equipment and Repairs $16,011.64
Security and Safety Items  $10,121.04
Misc. Repairs  $1,277.55
Electric and Lighting Updates  $20,013.49
Textbooks and Classroom Aids  $10,884.92
Roof Repairs and Replacement  $1,287.11
Classroom Equipment   $20,633.61
Purchase of Home 124 N. Lawn Ave.  $135,000.00
Elem. Classrooms and Office Remodel  $25,132.21
New Bus 84 Passenger  $84,133.00
Total   $978,941.96