University October calendar full of events

Here's the  October arts and events calendar from Bluffton University. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Oct. 1 Art Exhibit: “The Mirror of the Martyrs,” Sauder Visual Arts Center, 9-5 p.m. weekdays, 1-5 p.m. weekends, through Nov. 5
Oct. 1 Readers Theatre:
“I Have Not Forsaken the Word of God: Jacques d’ Auchy’s Confessional Struggle,” Mirror of the Martyrs Readers Theatre, 4 p.m., Ramseyer Auditorium, College Hall
Oct. 3 Forum:
“Telling True Stories in the Era of ‘Fake News,’” Forum by Marisa Gerber, staff writer for the Los Angeles Times, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 3 Forum: “The Summer I Became a Duck Mom,” First Tuesday Forum by Sarah Oliver ’19, 11 a.m., Musselman Library Reading Room
Oct. 7 Art Reception: “The Mirror of the Martyrs,” 10 a.m.-noon, Sauder Visual Art Center
Oct. 7 Homecoming:
Football vs. Anderson, 1:30 p.m., Salzman Stadium, $5 for adults, $3 for youth, free for children age 4 and under
Oct. 8 Concert:
Fall Instrumental Concert, 2:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 8 Presentation: “What Suffering Martyrs Teach Us about Christian Mission: Lessons from the Passau Songs of the ‘Ausbund,’” Mirror of the Martyrs Presentation by Dr. Gerald Mast, professor of communication, 4 p.m., Marbeck Center Kreider Room
Oct. 10 Forum: “Privilege, Resilience and Equity in Science Education,” Alumni Forum by Dr. Andrea Motto ’97, manager of public and youth engagement, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 11 Presentation:
“The Evil That Surrounds Us: the WWII Memoir of Erna Becker-Kohen,” Dr. Martina Cucchiara, assistant professor of history, 4 p.m., Musselman Library Reading Room
Oct. 13 Colloquium:
“Mushrooms as a Window to Biodiversity at the Kitty Todd Reserve,” Friday Colloquium by Dr. Bob Antibus, emeritus professor of biology, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall
Oct. 15 Presentation: “Grace to You and Peace: Voices of the Martyrs,” Mirror of the Martyrs Presentation by Wendy Chappel-Dick and the Anabaptists Singers, 4 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 15 Special Exhibit: “The Ephrata ‘Martyrs Mirror’: A History Dramatic and Useful,” special collections exhibit, 3-6 p.m. Sundays; 2-5 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, through Nov. 5, Musselman Library
Oct. 22 Concert: Fall Choral Concert, 2:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 22 Concert: “Great Day of Singing,” Swiss Community Historical Society public hymn sing, 4 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 23 Presentation: “Hiding in Plain Sight: Swiss Anabaptism in the Later 16th century,” Mirror of the Martyrs Presentation by Dr. C. Arnold Snyder, professor emeritus of history, University of Waterloo, 7 p.m., Marbeck Center Kreider Room
Oct. 24 Forum:
“Toleration in the Reformation: Historical Reflections for Today,” Forum by Dr. C. Arnold Snyder, professor emeritus of history, University of Waterloo, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall
Oct. 24 Forum: “God, Ego and Corporate America,” Alumni Forum by Bethny (Ricks ’06) Brown, vice-president for human resources, Scotts Miracle-Gro, 11 a.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall
Oct. 27 Colloquium: “Exploring Creativity through Equations, Words and Sawdust,” Friday Colloquium by Dr. Darryl Nester, professor of mathematics, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall
Oct. 29 Presentation: “History Dramatic and Useful: The 1748 Ephrata ‘Martyrs Mirror,’” Mirror of the Martyrs Presentation by Carrie Philips, archives and special collections librarian, 4 p.m., Marbeck Center Kreider Room
Oct. 31 Forum: “Bearing Witness: Mary as Our Guide,” Spiritual Life Week Forum by Isaac Samuel Villegas, pastor, Chapel Hill Mennonite Fellowship, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall

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