Burrell council interview

Sean  Burrell is one of 10 candidates for Bluffton council on Nov. 7. The Icon's interview with him follows. To read interviews with each of the candidates click here.

• Sean Burrell, 105 Magnolia Lane

Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I am seeking reelection because I enjoy it and think I bring a no nonsense viewpoint to the issues.

What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
EPA legislation, and continuing village infrastructure needs.

If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?

How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue? ­­­
It is resolved from council perspective.

Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
Isolated incidents.

Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
There have been many large and small projects accomplished over the last four years that appeared at least on the surface to have been ignored by prior councils.

Are there issues you’ve changed your mind on after voting the way you did on a particular issue?

How do you make your voting decisions as a council member?
I look at all the information available to me and try to make the best decision for Bluffton as a whole.

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