A weekend of Christmases past

Bluffton celebrates an old-fashioned Christmas this weekend with several options.

• Swiss Community Historical Society open house
• Riley Creek Christmas old-time tour

Swiss Homestead open house

The Bluffton/Pandora Community Swiss Historical Christmas open house,
"Christmas at the Homestead will be held on from 2 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 2,
the Schumacher Homestead. 

The public is invited to tour the decorated 1843 house while snacking on homemade treats and listening to songs of the season.

Guests can watch food being prepared in the fireplace, hand dip a candle, play a game of checkers, shop in the gift shop and chat with staff about the history of the Homestead and typical life in the 1840's.

Guests arriving at dusk will be able to see the house lit by candles much like it would have been in 1843.

The event is free to the public, but donations will gratefully be accepted. The Schumacher Homestead is located at 8350 Bixel Road, Bluffton.

Riley Creek Old Time Christmas Tour also Saturday

The third annual Riley Creek Old Time Christmas Tour is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 2, according to Tom McCullough of Pandora.

McCullough said that event is free and open to the public. The event is held the same day as the Christmas open house at the Homestead - Swiss Community Historical Society's open house.

This year's open house tour includes:
• Bridenbaugh one-room school,
  14022 Road 6
  Corner of Road 6 and Road M6

• McCullough log cabin
  14503 Road 6

• Red Fox Cabin
  One-eighth mile north of 14321 Road 7-L

• Riley Creek United Methodist Church
  7102 Road M, intersection Road M and 7-L