Bluffton council goes for three-month 2018 temporary appropriations

Bluffton council taking a cue from the federal government and, rather than passing a 2018 appropriations, will act on Monday for legislation covering three months of 2018.

Council held a special meeting on Dec. 4 for the purpose of finalizing the 2018 appropriations. The special meeting started at 7 p.m.  Council entered executive session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss personnel wages. Roger Warren moved and Ralph Miller seconded the motion.

At 9:15 p.m., council exited the closed-door session and returned to regular session.

Phill Talavinia motioned to read an ordinance at Monday’s (Dec. 11) council meeting for temporary appropriations. Joe Sehlhorst seconded the motion and it was approved.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

On Monday’s agenda is Ordinance 22-17. It calls for temporary appropriations covering Jan. 1, to March 31, 2018 “or until such time as replaced by final appropriations.”

A copy of the temporary appropriations is in the council packet attached at the bottom of this story. The packet also provides other Monday agenda items.


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