Life's all about balance

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L

“Life’s all about balance.”

We all know this to be true. The hard part is achieving it, right?

Whether that’s our physical balance (how steady are we on our feet?) or our “life” balance (how well are we doing at managing our time?), we sometimes feel like a prisoner to our current situation.

Let’s be honest, the physical balance piece may be the “easier” one to work on. We need balance for so many of the things we do every day (getting dressed, getting in and out of the car, etc.). 

I see a number of patients who identify improving balance as one of their #1 goal. With some direction and commitment (let’s face it, anything worth having usually takes time), core strength and consequently, balance, can usually be improved through some simple everyday exercises.

“Life” balance, on the other hand, is usually the “harder” one because it requires taking an honest look at your life and determining if you are devoting your time to what really matters. This is not only difficult but also looks differently for everyone. 

We are all given the same 24 hours in a day; it’s how we choose to spend it that defines us. According to the 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics study, Americans spend roughly 2.7 hours a day watching TV and women spend, on average, 2.6 hours and men 2.0 hours on household activities on any given day (  

And you may say, “But watching TV relaxes me” or “If my house is a mess, I feel stressed”.  I’m not here to say these activities, in and of themselves, are “bad”, but are they controlling your time. Are they (or any other “unhealthy” behaviors) monopolizing your day and making you feel paralyzed. How are you doing at making time to enjoy those activities that truly matter to you?

Click below to learn more about some simple exercises to improve your “physical” balance:

“Balance is not something you find. It’s something you create.” - Unknown

As always, feel free to give us a call anytime to set up your free 15 minute consultation to learn more about how to become the healthier you!

CLICK HERE for Christine's previous columns

Healthe Habits for Living
Ellerbrock Spine and Soft Tissue
120 N Main St. Suite A
Bluffton, OH 45817
Phone: 419-358-2222