ODOT's shares plan to remove twin bridges over I-75

• An 16-page attachment at the bottom of this story shows each of the screens from a PowerPoint provided by ODOT at the meeting.

• A sheet for public comment also attached at bottom of story.

Stakeholders in the Interstate 75 bridges over the abandon AC&Y Railroad north of State Route 103 last week heard ODOT’s plans to remove the bridges.

Nearly 30 persons attended the town hall meeting on April 12. In attendance were Orange Township trustees, village of Bluffton officials, members of the Bluffton pathway board and some community residents.

Slated for 2021, the project calls for the complete removal of the twin bridges and reconstruction of the pavement over the abandoned railroad.

The bridges were constructed to cross the Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad when the Interstate and Route 25 bypass went around Bluffton. The northbound bridge was built in 1954. The southbound bridge was built in 1964. The railroad was abandoned in the 1980s.

Ohio Department of Transportation estimates the cost to replace the existing bridges is $3 million. There are additional costs for annual maintenance and inspection. The $3 million does not include the cost to maintain traffic during construction.

ODOT officials reported that 29,000 vehicles pass Bluffton on the interstate each day, with 3,000 vehicles traveling on State Route 103 at the interstate. Compare that to County Road 33, which travels under the interstate at the bridges. ODOT’s count there is 33 vehicles per day.

Orange Township trustees said closure of CR 33 under the bridges would mean some residences would be landlocked. The concern was for fire and EMS needs to those properties.

Bluffton pathway board’s concerns involve plans to encircle the village with a pedestrian and bike pathway. The existence of the two bridges is part of board’s long-range plans to achieve that project.

ODOT officals at the meeting said that they have yet to notify the Norfolk Southern Railroad of the bridge project.

A 15-day public comment period is in play on project. An attachment to this story provides a comment sheet for persons.

Following the April 12 meeting is a possible public hearing in June or July. A decision on the project is expected in July.

A feasibility study is slated for September and, depending upon funding, the project could be awarded in the winter of 2020.