Hey, kids! Show your parents this story

This message is to parents, especially those planning to attend the Bluffton Athletic Boosters reverse raffle in May:

The next Bluffton Family Recreation kid’s night out is Saturday, May 5, from 5 to 11 p.m. It’s the same night as the reverse raffle, according to Daniel Tinch, BFR executive director.

Open to youth ages 4 to 12, it provides many Disney-themed activities and games. Kids are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Disney character.

And, there will be a pizza, soft drinks and snacks. Registration is now underway and the cost is $20 for members and $30 for non-members. Contact BFR, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton, or call 419-358-4150 or register online at: www.bfronline.org under the community and family tab.

Kid's Night Out is sponsored by Bluffton Community Market, The Dough Hook and Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn.

Bluffton Youth for Christ will provide leaders and volunteers to help run the evening's activities.