Letter: Would like council to write out achievable action plan on Shannon Cemetery

Icon viewers:
Responding to Dick Boehr's July 31, 2018 letter to the Icon editor -

To begin, I would like to thank Mr. Boehr for his countless hours of time, energy, and enthusiasm he has dedicated to our community. 

Likewise, Sue Cramer deserves a big thank you for all her many efforts on behalf of our historically significant Shannon Cemetery. 

And Bernie Ludwig should be commended on making the Shannon Cemetery grounds look incredibly better than they have in a very long time.

Plus,  there have been countless other individuals who have given freely of their time over many, many years on committees, or as council members, mayors and administrators, to find common ground regarding Shannon Cemetery that should be thanked as well.

It is very disrespectful to all of these people and their personal efforts, as well as to the Bluffton Pioneers buried in Shannon Cemetery, and I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Boehr that it is now time to act.   

I would like to ask the current council and administration to write out an achievable action plan for the Shannon Cemetery resolution with a timeline, and publicly post updates so that progress can be measured.

Thomas Schmidt