Isn't this recyclable?

By Liz Gordon-Hancock
Part 6 of the Icon's recycling series

Where can you take items that your curbside recycling will not take? There are a surprising number of items that are recyclable, which Bluffton's curbside recycling service does not currently accept.

Here is a list of the more common items that can be recycled elsewhere:

Plastics No. 3, 5 and 7
Unfortunately, the village's current recycling service only recycles plastics No. 1 and 2.  However, Litter Landing in Findlay accept No. 3, 5 and 7 plastics. Click here.

Plastic grocery bags
The plastic bags our groceries come home in are often recyclable, but they do not belong in your recycle bin. These bags are a real headache for recycling facilities, as they get caught in the equipment, according to Jack DeWitt, Operations Manager of North Central Ohio Waste Management district. Community Markets provides a box for you to recycle your plastic bags. In fact, many chain stores, such as Lowe's in Lima, also have bins for recycling plastic bags.

Milk and juice cartons
Most food cartons, such as packaging for almond milk, are recyclable. Unfortunately, there are currently no facilities locally that accept and recycle cartons.

Scrap metal
Anything containing copper, brass or other scrap metals can be recycled at Northwest Ohio Recycling in rural Pandora. They accept old Christmas lights, broken lawnmowers, appliances such as dishwashers and water heaters, plus car batteries and even junk vehicles. For a complete list of what they can recycle, click here.

Reusing is a form of recycling
When you donate your unwanted clothing or housewares to a second-hand store, you are recycling. The goal is to reduce the amount sent to landfill. Here's a quick list of items you can donate locally.

Clothing, shoes and other textiles
Clean, gently used clothing and shoes can be donated to the Et Cetera Shop in Bluffton, or Restore Community Center in Ada. Bluffton Family Recreation also collects shoes.

Small appliances
Small appliances such as radios, computer speakers, and DVD players, that still work can be donated locally to either the Et Cetera Shop in Bluffton or Restore Community Center in Ada.

Large appliances
If you have a dishwasher, refrigerator or other large appliance still in working order, you can often donate it to Habitat ReStores in either Lima or Findlay.  The stores request you call ahead to check that they accept your appliance. Some stores are able to pick-up items. Click here.

Unused building materials
Habitat ReStore will often take anything from chicken wire to lumber. Call ahead and check whether they accept your materials. There are ReStores in both Lima and Findlay.

Where can you take items that should not go in either your trash or recycle bin?

Yard waste
Yard waste is any soil, grass clippings, leaves, twigs or other organic debris from your yard or garden. The best way to dispose of your yard waste is to compost it. (Watch the Icon for more on this soon.) If you do not have access to a compost site, then you can dump your yard waste and larger branches at the village brush dump. According to the village website, "The Village provides a brush dump for all residents of the Village, located on Spring Street between the Village maintenance department and the Sportsmen's Club. Yard waste is then mulched for residents use. Residents may come get the mulch as it is available."

Many tire places will accept old tires. The North Central Ohio Solid Waste Management (NCOWM) District provides a list of local businesses in Allen County who accept old tires. For more information, click here.

You can deposit your old batteries in the foyer of town hall. (You can also drop off old glasses, ink cartridges, and cell phones here.)  Northwest Ohio Recycling in Pandora also take batteries.

Paints, lacquers, thinners
Oil-based paints and paint products, such as thinners, solvents and stains, are classified as hazardous waste. Our waste district office in Lima accepts all paints, lacquers, and solvents (as well as many other chemicals). To make an appointment, please call 800-553-6763 or check out the website

Latex paint is water-based, so once it is dry, you can put this in your regular trash and send it to landfill. For tips and tricks on storing, drying, and/or disposing of paints, go to our waste district's website.

Broken or old electronics
This is called electronic waste or e-waste. Old printers, stereo speakers, VCRs and cathode ray TVs are common examples of e-waste. Both Litter Landing in Findlay and NCOWM district office in Lima accept e-waste. Please note, Litter Landing will not accept TVs or computer monitors. For more information on what they accept (and the cost involved), check out their websites.

Light bulbs
The NCOWM district's office in Lima accepts light bulb and fluorescent tubes, but there is a fee for this service. Lowe's in Lima also has a collection bin for fluorescent light bulbs (and plastic bags), which should be located near the entrance.

This is not an exhaustive list. There are many other facilities in our area that recycle. If you know of any and wish to add them to this list, please contact the Transition Bluffton group at [email protected].

Transition Bluffton has compiled a list of local recycling facilities, which the Icon has used with permission for this article. To view this list, click here.

The NCOWM district website is also a wealth of information for waste and recycling services in Allen County.

For previous articles in the recycling series, click here.  

Additional Info:
For a more exhaustive list of recyclables and where to take them, check out