Nov. 10 is Ream set up date - you are invited to help

Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce invites residents to lend a hand on Saturday, Nov. 10, for this year's Ream display set-up on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn, according to Paula Scott, CEO.

"Helping with Blaze of Lights preparations is like being in the kitchen before a great family get-together. You become part of the tradition and you realize how much love, expertise, and effort goes into the celebration. If you love the Blaze, I hope you'll join us," said Scott.

Contact the Village of Bluffton Cultural Affairs committee for more information. Joe Sehlhorst is the Bluffton council representative on the committee. He can be reached at: [email protected] or 419-302-7975.

Downtown garlands and tree lighting installation have also been scheduled:
• Presbyterian Church yard tree lights: Saturday, Nov. 3
• Ream Display and business garlands: Saturday, Nov. 10
• Rain Date: Saturday, Nov. 17