Is my street on the list to be paved?

• Check the street maintenance inventory attached at the bottom of this story

Bluffton council’s streets and finance committee spent an hour in late November reviewing a 2019 streets, lights, sidewalks and alleys budget.

Part of the discussion involved a review of a street maintenance inventory sheet and a 10-year capital improvement plan. While both were discussed, no decisions were made.

The committees agreed that large street projects in the future should include:
• East Jefferson Street – Main to Huber
• East Jefferson Street – Huber to the County Line
• West Elm Street – phase 2 from Spring to Main
• East Elm Street – phase 3 from Main to Vance
Riley Street

Other topics included lighting and electrical improvements along Main Street, sidewalk maintenance, sidewalk connectivity, North Main Street downtown business expansion and asphalt sealing projects.

An attachment to this story shows the current village street maintenance inventory listing the last year that streets were worked on from 2002 to 2006.

The committees discussion took the assumption that pavement typically lasts for 15 years.