20 school years on the middle school cake

Where did the school years go?

On Jan. 19 the Bluffton Middle School celebrated its 20th birthday.

Kyle Leatherman, middle school principal, decided the event needed a birthday cake. So, on Friday during lunch students, staff and teachers had some cake and cupcakes, 20 years in the making.

Six of the teachers who were on the staff in 1998-99, and continue teaching this year, posed with the cake before it was cut into pieces.

Rhonda Maag created the cake.

Those staff members include: (classes taught in 1998-99 listed first; classes taught this year listed second)
• Jackie Bourassa – science and history • history
• Sue Epp – science • science, health, physical education
• Cheryl Morris – librarian • librarian, keyboarding
• Sandy Karhoff – intervention specialist •intervention specialist
• Cindy Lee – math • history
• Robin Ault – language arts • language arts

Photo: The staff in the photo, left to right are Bourassa, Epp, Morris, Karhoff, Lee and Ault.